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Latest revision as of 22:30, 1 August 2017

Admin Commands

All commands are activated by typing a prefix of [ (left bracket)

Command Effect

Add - Creates the variable object
Admin - Lists the Accounts with Administrator rights currently logged in.
Animate - Causes the Target to perform the designated animation.
APN - Toggles On/Off Auto Page Notify
AutoPageNotify - Toggles On/Off Auto Page Notify
B - Broadcast the message to all accounts currently logged in
Ban - Bans the targetted player
Bank - Opens the target's bank box
BC - Broadcast the message to all accounts currently logged in
BCAST - Broadcast the message to all accounts currently logged in
Cast - Auto-Casts the designated spell
Client - Displays Target Client Version information
Delete - Deletes targetted object
Dismount - Dismounts from steed
DocGen - Generates Documents
Dupe - Duplicates the targetted object
DupeInBag - Duplicates the targetted object in bag
Firewall - Displays Firewall information
Get - Displays Property information
GetSkill - Displays skill information
Go - Opens 'Go' gump menu
Grab - Optional player loot package
GuildProps - Displays target's guild information
Help - Displays Help gump
Hide - Hides target
Immortal - Causes the target to become invulnerable
IncX - Adds/Subtracts from the targets X coordinate
IncXYZ - Adds/Subtracts from the targets X/Y/Z coordinates
IncY - Adds/Subtracts from the targets Y coordinate
IncZ - Adds/Subtracts from the targets Z coordinate
Invul - Causes the target to become invulnerable
Kick - Disconnects Target
Kill - Kills the Target
Mortal - Causes the target to become vulnerable / mortal
MOTD - Edits/Displays the Message of the Day
Move - Moves target object/player to selected position
NewX - Sets the target object/players X coordinate
NewXYZ - Sets the target object/players XYZ coordinates
NewY - Sets the target object/players Y coordinate
NewZ - Sets the target object/players Z coordinate
NoInvul - Causes the target to become vulnerable / mortal
Objlist - Generates an html document listing all objects currently spawned on the shard
Pages - Displays GM pages
Props - Displays Property information
Recompile - Recompiles Scripts
Remove - Deletes targetted object
Res - Resurrects Target Player (would be nice if someone made npcs ress-able as well)
Resurrect - Resurrects Target Player (would be nice if someone made npcs ress-able as well)
S - Sends variable message to all currently logged in staff
Save - Causes the world to save
Set - Sets variable property to target
SetSkill - Sets variable skill on target
ShaveBeard - Shaves targets beard
ShaveHair - Shaves targets hair
SignGen - Generates all world signs using signs.cfg
Skills - Displays a skill menu
SM - Sends variable message to all currently logged in staff
SMSG - Sends variable message to all currently logged in staff
Stuck - Used by players when physically unable to move due to map/script flaw
Tele - Teleports user to target location
Teleport - Teleports user to target location
TelGen - Generates standard world teleporters
Tile - Tiles variable object in a bounding box
Unhide - Unhides target
Who - Displays a list of all currently logged in users
Wholist - Displays a list of all currently logged in users
Wipe - Destroys all objects in a bounding box
WipeItems - Destroys all items (in a bounding box)
WipeNPCs - Kills all NPCs (in a bounding box)
WipMultis - Destroys all multis (in a bounding box)

Complete RunUO Command List